With every new year, there is always that moment where you look back and reflect on the year gone by. 2018 was a good year for DJ Build Estimations. We launched our new website, we streamlined the layout of our reports and focused on our customer base.
As we enter 2019, we have decided to concentrate more on face to face marketing. A method like this is proven to be the most successful in the marketing industry. Even with the influences of social media, the act of directly speaking to a customer encourages positive interactions.
“No Tweet, Snapchat or Facebook Message can ever replace real human connection.”
Previously, we were only been attending the Self Build Shows once or twice a year. They were always successful, and we got a great reaction from people. However, once a year is not enough to try and gain clients from F2F marketing. As a result, we are starting our own coffee morning sessions once a month around different counties in Ireland. They are completely free and will give potential customers the chance to question us face to face and view samples of our reports.
Consequently, we realised over time that our target audience is not just Self-Builders but building contractors and other tradesmen. They will hopefully be repeat customers. For example, a Self-Builder is only going to come to you the once!
Therefore, our first coffee morning will be held in Navan on the 19th January and we will split the morning into two sessions. One aimed at building contractors and tradesmen, and the other for self-builders and architects. The only difference in the two sessions will be the addition of our 3D modelling service in the session for the self-builders and architects.
We firmly believe that this face to face interaction with clients will let them see how beneficial our reports will be to their project. We are looking forward to what 2019 has in store for us and will share it with you as it unfolds!